Sketchup Blog


SketchUp 2024 will be accessible to paying subscribers and trial users via SketchUp for Desktop, iPad, and LayOut.
Desktop Modeler SketchUp 2024 demonstrates our progressive development efforts to our existing customers with new and improved features, boosting their everyday efficiency for every design stage. This new release also lays crucial train tracks for our path to Visualization and Collaboration, Documentation, and Context milestones later in the year. Layout People have complained for years that LayOut's tools differ from those in SketchUp for Desktop. We have made changes in this release to begin to align the tools (with our inference constraints and inferences to only your mouse-down location). The LayOut team is continuing this work for the 24.1 release, where we are splitting the tools out (separate Move, Scale, and Rotate) like they are in 27 SketchUp for Desktop. We are also working to implement a PDF import for Windows and possibly Diffusion within LayOut.
Yes, you can start a new free 7-day trial of the Studio subscription offering, which includes all the tools from the SketchUp 2024 ecosystem.
Yes, if you already own a SketchUp subscription, you can access 2024 today at no additional cost.
The new graphics engine's performance improvements depend on the user’s device. SketchUp will encourage users to go back to the classic engine if the new engine is slower or unstable on their devices. Learn more here.
You can find the system requirements for the new graphics engine here.
No. Ambient Occlusion cannot be used when the Classic graphics engine is enabled.
At this time, Ambient Occlusion will be available in SketchUp for Desktop, SketchUp for iPad, and visible in LayOut. It won’t be available and visible in SketchUp for Web at this time.
Yes, users can open any of their older SketchUp files in 2024 and toggle Ambient Occlusion on to appreciate designs with a whole new perspective.
Yes, you must first save the model to Trimble Connect before you can Share a Link.
No, it is not necessary.
The web viewer provides tools for viewers to navigate and gather their own info, such as: Presentation mode for easy navigation of specified scenes. Tape measures to take their own measurements. SketchUp's native entity info for things like materials, square footage, and volume.
Yes, the web viewer checks once a minute for model updates, and those viewing the link see a prompt when updates are made, letting them refresh for the latest version until you disable the share link.
There is no practical file size limit that we expect users to encounter (There is a max file size allowed by Trimble Connect's API’s but it's larger than any data we expect customers to send from SketchUp). However, large files will take longer to update. Modeling progress is not impeded while an update is happening, and you can see the status of an update in the File Status toolbar icon. Currently, attempting to make another update before the previous one completes will trigger an error. When this happens, progress has been preserved locally but not updated in Trimble Connect. In this scenario, the next update will be completed successfully.
No, you can import and export files as USDZ Files (*.usdz) and glTF Binary Files (*.glb) using 2024 SketchUp for Desktop only.
The Canvas service, which the Scan-to-Design feature is built on, suggests an accuracy of ~1-2%. This translates to ~5-10cm at a scan distance of 5m.
The SketchUp link can be opened by anyone in their browser, Trimble Connect is not needed by the recipient. In this release, it is view (and measure) only.

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